Friday, April 27, 2012

Mt Tam trails

Each spring I take a trip to the Bay Area to see relatives and I make it a point to take a run on the trails around Mt Tamalpais. The trail I frequent is the Matt Davis trail. This stretch of it starts near the Throckmorton Fire Station.

[I ran this trail in May 2011.]

Heading along the Matt Davis Trail in the first mile.

After the steep Nora trail the trail comes out at a place called The West Point Inn, which offers a nice view of the bay.

Then I head along another trail to the Mountain Theater, where they are often prepping for a Spring show.

Coming down from the Mountain Theater is a steep section with a lot of switchbacks. Toward the bottom are some steps.

Then I loop back onto the Matt Davis Trail.

And then I finish the last mile going through nicely shaded areas and narrow trees.

Distance: 6 to 7 miles
Total Time: 65 to 70 minutes

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